Sunday 10 July 2011

Lia's Guide to Winning the Lottery Review

Title: Lia's Guide to Winning the Lottery
Author: Keren David
Release Date: 4th August 2011
Publisher: Frances Lincoln Children’s Books

Lia’s mum is a nag, her sister’s a pain and she’s getting nowhere in pursuit of the potentially paranormal Raf. Then she wins £8 million in the lottery, and suddenly everything is different. But will Lia’s fortune create more problems than it solves?

Everyone dreams of winning the lottery- but what’s it really like? Lia’s Guide to Winning the Lottery will tell you everything you need to know.

Lia is a school girl who has won the lottery and this hilarious story takes you on her journey of fame and fortune. However, she finds her fame isn’t always positive, especially when she is hunted by the press after an unpleasant incident with her friend's Mum!
The novel is definitely chick lit, as Lia has to juggle dealing with an £8 million fortune and her love interest, Raf. I hope however, that this aspect of the novel doesn’t put off male readers as the book is truly funny. Interspersing the tale with key tips on how to behave with new found wealth, such as ‘Keep an eye on the price tags’(read the book to find out why), there is definitely something for everyone within the plot.
When reading this book, it was nice to come across so many cultural references, Lia is truly a modern girl living in modern times, with an interest in getting to know Raf, who everyone is convinced is a vampire (although Lia doesn’t see herself as a Bella Swan).  Lia’s friends Jack and Shaz are also taken along for the ride. Jack is a typical teenage boy, whose main concerns are how to convince his Mum to let him have a motorbike and how to get the girl he likes. Lia finds that her friend Shaz has more going on than she ever expected and struggles to understand her friend’s religious commitments that conflict with her own desire to spend a lot of money. Lia has to deal with the reactions of her friends and family and struggles to determine who wants to be her friend and who wants a share of the cash. Alongside this, Lia realises she needs to start being sensible with the money, not let the fame go to her head and maybe (just maybe) spend the money on something constructive.

Lia’s Guide to Winning the Lottery introduces some funny characters and some even funnier situations, while Lia attempts to deal with the pressure and her Mum’s request for a boob job - a thought she really, not surprisingly struggles to deal with! I cannot stress enough how much of an easy, light read this book is. Despite the sometimes heavy subject matter, such as bullying and suicide, Lia encounters many of the same problems as any other teen, with one exception… she’s just become a millionaire!
5/5 for hilarity     

Special thanks to Frances Lincoln Children's Books for the copy of the book.

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